Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture - needling of specific points to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.
Chinese Herbs - herbal formulas based on traditional formulas utilized for centuries for healing specific imbalances.
Cupping - therapy for increasing circulation which is commonly used for relaxing tight muscles
Moxa - burning of the herb mugwort for healing and rejuvenation of yang energy.
Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine
Medicine based on 2500 years of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxa techniques.
Commonly use for prevention of disease
treatment of pain
balancing emotions
balancing hormones, cycles within the body: menstruation, sleep....
By balancing the energy and blood flow in the body, acupuncture and herbs have been used for the treatment of everything from digestive issues to rashes, colds, and most chronic ailments.